Travel Info for Bequia

Best time to go to Bequia and how to get there

Bequia: When to Go

Bequia's peak season runs from around mid-December to late April, when the beaches, bars and restaurants are relatively busy (though not overly so), and lots of yachts visit. The big annual events are the Music Fest (late January) and the Easter Regatta. Summer and autumn are quiet, and typically wetter and hotter. The Caribbean's hurricane season officially runs from June to early November, and most hotels are closed for all or most of that period.

23:23 | GMT -4 Hours


Getting There

N.B. Do not rely solely on this information for your travel planning


Shared charter flights from Barbados and St. Lucia, or private charter flights from any neighbouring island, with SVG Air (daytimes only). To reach St. Lucia from Europe or north America, see our St Lucia page


Scheduled flights to Argyle International Airport from Toronto (Air Canada Rouge), Miami (American Airlines), New York (Caribbean Airlines); and from other Caribbean islands (LIAT, Mustique Airways, SVG Air).

From Argyle Airport, taxi to the wharf for the 1-hour ferry crossing to Bequia.