Travel Info for La Palma

Best time to go to La Palma and how to get there

La Palma: When to Go

To see the best (and worst) times to visit, please read our reviews of our recommended places to stay

19:53 | GMT +0 Hours


Getting There

To search flights across all airlines, we recommend using Skyscanner


From the UK: carriers include l:], easyJet and Vueling.

Within Europe: try Air Berlin, Condor, Germania, Transavia, JetAirFly, Iberia Express.

From other Canary Islands: Binter from Tenerife North, Gran Canaria and Lanzarote - this can be the easiest way to reach La Palma for some, preferably via Gran Canaria as Tenerife changeovers involve a 2-hour drive between airports (international flights land at Tenerife South).

By boat: Fred Olsen sails from Tenerife (Los Cristianos) to La Palma (Santa Cruz de la Palma) in about 2.5 hours. Naviera Armas does the same route in about 3.5 hours
Both routes operate near-daily. It is also possible to catch a ferry from Cadiz in mainland Spain, taking about 2.5 days.

Getting Around

You'll want to hire a car, as there are no shops within walking distance of the house - see our car rental recommendations.