Travel Guide to Navarre

Best things to do and see in Navarre

Navarre: Why go

The Navarre is an ancient kingdom that predates the formation of Spain, its golden age passing a mere thousand years ago when Sancho III briefly bought unity to the Christian kingdoms of Iberia. These days it’s popular for its stunning landscapes, for its slow pace of life and for the fabulous food its lush plains produce. It is most famous for the running of bulls in Pamplona to celebrate the feast of St Fermín, when hundreds of thousands gather in the streets to celebrate.

Adjacent to The Basque Country, the province runs along the French border to the north, where the Pyrenees mountains play host to climbers, paragliders, cyclists, hikers and those who want to try their hand at canyoning or rafting. In the west you find magnificent valleys lost to the world with fields of wheat swaying in the breeze and pilgrims plodding west along the Santiago Way. In the Ebro valley to the south, vineyards and olive groves flourish in the sun, while you can head into the semi-desert of the Bardenas Reales National Park and gaze in wonder at wind-sculpted hills. If you are looking to potter about in beautiful hills and ancient villages away from the bustle of city life, you’ll be in heaven.

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